Hindi Keyboard Online
You want to write Hindi but do not want to buy Hindi Keyboard?
If above is the case then this page is just right for you. From now on it is no longer necessary to laboriously assemble the appropriate Hindi letters on a German keyboard. It also eliminates the hassle of changing the font on your computer. With this online virtual hindi keyboard, you can even use your keyboard without having to change your font to Hindi. It is important that your computer has the necessary language settings and is able to represent the Hindi letters meaningfully .
Check here Hinglish to hindi typing
Hindi typing with the virtual keyboard

The easiest way is to control the online keyboard with the mouse. Simply select the letters you want to use - the keyboard automatically provides the right typeface and connects all letters in a meaningful way.
Selecting symbols with the Shift key
The Shift key gives you the option to display special characters such as curly brackets, dollar signs and much more. In addition, you can here the Hindi vowels Fatha, Kasra and Damma represent and thus possibly provide for a vocalization of your document. The respective symbols that you can display with the Shift key are displayed in small green color on all keys.
Simply write Hindi with your keyboard
In addition, our Hindi keyboard gives you the opportunity to use your own keyboard. For this it is necessary to leave the computer setting in DE. Here you have the possibility to select different keyboard settings. So it is also possible to write in other languages. The conversion is automatic - just click with the mouse in the free text field. If you then use your own keyboard, the Hindi letters are displayed. This is useful, for example, if you want to learn the Hindi keyboard without being able to see the location of the Hindi letters. That's the quickest way to learn.